Author Archives: Matthew Boynes

Fieldmanager 1.0: Professor Farnsworth

Good news, everyone! Today we released Fieldmanager 1.0.

This release is the culmination of 1,070 commits, by 24 people, spread out over 3.5 years. Thanks and shout-outs to all those who have contributed to Fieldmanager to make this release possible (in order of commits):

mboynes, bcampeau, netaustin, danielbachhuber, nschoenholtz, dlh01, xmattus, stevenslack, jitendraharpalani58, amaschas, joshkadis, firejdl, goldenapples, montchr, mattheu, joshbetz, ericandrewlewis, aaronjorbin, srtfisher, enrico-sorcinelli, alexisbellido, dmachat, zgreen, and matthewspencer.

On to 1.1!

Fieldmanager 1.1 Kickoff

Following the 1.0 release , we’re going to start doing quarterly point releases for Fieldmanager. Version 1.1 will be close behind with a projected release of April 1st. Here’s an overview of what we’re aiming to include in this release:

  • User forms (#157)
  • Network settings submenus (#120)
  • Gallery field (#174)
  • Customizer context (#399)
  • REST API integration (#404, #407)
  • UI Update (#468)
  • Improve adherence to coding standards (#271) — we need a lot of help with this one!

If there is anything else you’d like to see in this release, submit an issue and let us know about it!